November/December 1999
Rummage Sale Huge Success, Christmas Boutique Planned
As the sun rose over Mount San Jacinto on October 2nd members of the society and the Winchester Woman's Club gathered at the Patterson House Museum to prepare for our "First Ever Rummage Sale." The Woman's Club sold their crafts and baked good while the society sold "quality" used merchandise. At eight in the morning we opened the gates and by the time we finished Sunday we had earned $340.45. The Woman's Club graciously donated their craft sale proceeds of $47.55 to bring our grand total to $388.00.
The sale also brought us a chance to give tours of the Patterson House to well over 100 people. It also brought us some side benefits in the area of our quest to place the Patterson House on the National Historical List. Thank you to all who contributed, worked, and bought at our first sale.
Plans are underway for a Christmas Boutique at the Patterson House Museum. The sale will be conducted Dec. 4th and 5th, 11th and 12th, and 18th and 19th. The hours will be from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. or dusk whichever comes first. We will have assorted items for sale and all sales are donations to the museum. Listed below are some of the items for sale.
Winchester Kid Collectibles
Framed Pictures
Gag Gifts
Indian Items
Nostalgic Metal Signs Reproductions
Old Posters
Museum Hours
Saturday 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Closed holiday weekends. We will be closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years weekend.
Picture Update
A couple of issues back we asked information about the picture below. We wanted to know who the couple was in the old photo of Winchester. Thanks to Beryl Andrews who sent us some old articles from the Hemet News and Press Enterprise we have some more information. The couple are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lucas and child. The house was moved to the French place on Olive Land Rancho Company property. The picture was made from original glass plates of Thomas Milholland who moved to what is now Valle Vista in 1884. He was one of the earliest photographers in the area.
Local Young Lady Becomes West Valley High School Homecoming Queen
Congratulations go out to Ashley Meredith, daughter of Dirk and Donna Meredith, of Winchester who recently became West Valley High Schools 1999 Homecoming Queen. The family has been involved with community affairs for many years and they are involved with the Jr. Diabetes Association. The only disappointment of the evening is that West Valley lost the football game.
New Photos Loaned to Society
This photo along with others were recently loaned to us by the Hemet Area Museum Association to scan. This is the Benedict School The tall lady in the center is the teacher Ida Patterson Kimball. The school was most likely located near Lindenberger Road and Salt Creek. Other pictures loaned to us were pictures of Clarence Patterson, an 1895 panorama photo of Winchester, Ab