1891 First issue of Ploughshare & Pruning Hook published. Newspaper features article about upcoming 4th of July celebration. Also it mentions about J. H. Jones, proprietor, of the Winchester Hotel and William Haslam Justice of the Peace.
1891 Idea conceived to bring water to the area from the San Jacinto River.
1891 John Patterson completes the building of his new home in Winchester.
1892 Judge gives the ok to sell bonds for water delivery to Winchester.
1893 Fire started on top of mountain to signal water has arrived to Winchester via the canals.
1893 Gopher holes, percolation, and evaporation soon destroy the dream of free flowing water.
1893 Riverside County formed.
1894 F. L. Loveland of Winchester becomes first County Supervisor for the area.
1896 Angelo Domenigoni has 2500 acres in grain planted.
1899 Dr. C. S. Dickson of Winchester becomes County Coroner
1899 Courts take water rights away, Winchester drys up.
1899 Last issue of the Winchester Recorder published
1900 Census shows population of 367 people; The oldest at age 108.
1901 Telegraph office closed